Wednesday, August 1, 2012

I don't think it was a cry for help. The Sequel.

I've done a lot of thinking in the past two days, and a lot of reflecting. A lot of pondering and a lot of considering. I've decided that it wasn't a cry for help, for two reasons. Today I watched two episodes of the consensus really good show, Lost. And yesterday I watched two episodes of Lost. That's it. I didn't fall into a shame spiral and watch fourteen episodes. I just watched two.  I know that Lost is a good show, which is why I only watched two episodes. Reaper is popcorn. Scratch that. Reaper is that bag of caramel corn and cheese corn together in one magical bag. Through some act of God, the kernels are all popped to the same size with the same amount of topping. I'm 10% sure there are scientists who were working on this snack food instead of curing cancer, gifted scientists at that, and I'm fine with it. Either way, man cannot survive on delicious caramel/cheese popcorn alone. So, I don't have a problem. I just like TV. For the record, I feel slightly more justified in sadistically enjoying Reaper after going to over two well known TV reviewing websites and seeing that it was well received at the time it came out. (That's reason number two, in case you were counting.) So, I thought to redeem myself, I would list some good shows that I have watched on Netflix. And as a side note, according to my public relations people, the post with the most hits is the one that had "Game of Thrones" in the title. So, after this, I'm going to start an experiment of sorts. If you like misleading titles, you're in for a treat, if you don't like misleading titles, I'm sorry but we can never be friends. And buckle up.

Lost. I've now seen seven episodes of Lost, one of which being the finale. This was one of the more anticipated series finales in recent memory, so I watched it, knowing nothing about any of the characters or the story line. I've now watched the first six episodes in the last three days. The characters and story are much better than anything on the previous list. It also features one of the most terrifying characters I've seen on a TV show in a long time. Jack's eyes have a twinkle that can only be surgically implanted. I don't know if I'm supposed to swoon, or not look directly into them for fear he may possess me with his devilish charm. So far, Lost is good. I like to pretend that Locke is Creed from the Office, which makes everything a little bit funnier.

Parks and Recreation. Parks and Rec is good. If you like good shows, you should watch it.

Game of Thrones. Game of Thrones isn't on Netflix, but it's a good show. If you like good shows, you should watch Game of Thrones.

Louie. Louie is a funny show. If you like funny shows, you should watch Louie.

Editor's note: This was started before the Chelsea Peretti incident occurred and should be treated accordingly.

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